
Congratulations to Glynis Jones on her Retirement

If you've spent any amount of time at the IBEW 213 office or joined us for one of our events then you know Glynis Jones. In June, we celebrated Glynis as she eases into retirement after 44! years! serving the office administration needs of the IBEW 213 office.

"As sad as I am to see Glynis leave and the organization missing a key, foundational person, this is a for celebration,” said Business Manager Jim Lofty. "It’s a wonderful time for Glynis and for her family and it’s something we need to celebrate; it’s a positive day for everyone."

Glynis started working at the IBEW 213 office on July 3, 1978. She outlasted five (six?) business managers, watched as While You Were Out notepads were replaced by answering machines, then replaced by cell phones; typewriters replaced by computers. Floppy disks came and went. When Glynis first came to work at IBEW 213 a detached home in Vancouver would set you back $80,000.

For her historical knowledge alone, Glynis will be impossible to replace. But in typical Glynis fashion, she is committed to helping through as smooth a transition as possible so she will be in the office a couple days a week through July, with her official last day July 28.

Any members who would like to extend well-wishes on her retirement can send them to her email inbox 

Glynis, thank you for everything you’ve done for this organization. Your service to IBEW 213 is immeasurable; you will be deeply missed and we all wish you a long, healthy and relaxing retirement.