
Add Your Voice: Help Save IBEW Jobs!

Our Sisters and Brothers at IBEW 2228 represent a large group of electronics technologists at NAV CANADA referred to as Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel. These IBEW members install and maintain critical infrastructure required for safe air navigation across our nation, from our largest airports to small regional airports in rural and remote areas.

Until the COVID-19 pandemic, air navigation professionals at NAV CANADA ensured the safety of more than 3 million flights every year. Unfortunately, the non-profit company has been forced to begin layoffs in the face of major revenue declines.

Canada’s air travel and tourism industries are depending on NAV CANADA to ensure aviation safety in the post-pandemic recovery. We can’t afford to lose the expertise of our IBEW members that has kept our skies safe.

We are urging the Federal government to take immediate and decisive action to support NAV CANADA through this crisis by providing it with sufficient emergency funding, saving the important jobs that our highly skilled IBEW members perform. It’s time to put safety first!

Join us and take action now to help your fellow IBEW members and let the Government know that they need to take action now!